TRANSLATION OF THE POEM “Так ніхто не кохав” by Volodymyr Sosyura INTO ENGLISH By Ivan Petryshyn
No one ever has loved so much deeply, a lot. After myriads of years, there’ll come back the affection of rose. On the earth, there’d be blooming the spring, And the land, on that day, at the dawn, would be clothed…
And the earth will be breathing so calmly and freely in the blue of the morning that rings, holding out its hands to the stars’ shining rain… On such day, on the earth, there blooms the green spring Slightly trembling from a sweet, living pain ...
from your eyes, full of pleasure and joy, my heart fades, shining up in the nebula in the bright high ... and the blood’s running on, as it flows in the veins, smelling of sour herbs so refined ...
oh my moon so much quiet!..oh my stars so much bright!.. where else, so much love, have you seen?.. and for her, I will fetch the Gold Orion from th’ sky, As a poet , a worker as much as you’ve been…
No one ever has loved so much deeply, a lot. After myriads of years, there’ll come back the affection of rose. On the earth, there’d be blooming the spring, And the land, on that day, at the dawn, would be clothed…
And the earth will be breathing so calmly and freely in the blue of the morning that rings, holding out its hands to the stars’ shining rain… On such day, on the earth, there blooms the green spring Slightly trembling from a sweet, living pain ...
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