Bread is the head for everything:
there isn't anything
so important as bread,
so, among the old folks,
it is said.
in ancient times,
they met the guests
with bread and salt,
and it became
the culture's default.
when one expressed
his gratitude for hospitality
and for the kindness treated,
when the meal completed,
they said:
"thank you for the bread and salt!"-
that's how they thanked in short.
and, to express the wishes,
they used to say:
"let you have all from the Earth,
from the water, from the dew,
let you be, like gold, so shiny,
like the spring, so handsome,
like the bread, so kind!"-
to the noble deeds inclined!
poetic reproduction from Ukrainian "People's Ethnology" by Ivan Petryshyn
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kraynyuk46:Так, зло і підлість трапляються серед людей. Але, на мою думку добрих, чуйних людей більшість. Вони підтримають і допоможуть. Треба вірити в к