She was a doctor of Philology
And a politician.
She wanted a national state
For Ukraine,
But, in pain,
She was punished
For her freedom of speech right.
She might have been right,
And her enemies wrong,
As so much weak they were,
And such awful cowards,
That couldn't stop her,
But kill with a bullet,
Full of hatred.
The killer was a slave
Of other slaves' ideologies.
They hated the truth
And the Philology.
Somebody ordered to kill,
At will.
And she is no more,
But the language lives,
Her ideas are known,
Her name will be in memories
Of the patriots
To continue to be,
To live and to fight
For the right
Revealing the wrong.
I pray for her soul.
The candle is lit.
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kraynyuk46:Так, зло і підлість трапляються серед людей. Але, на мою думку добрих, чуйних людей більшість. Вони підтримають і допоможуть. Треба вірити в к